
Blog on software engineering

Monday, September 21, 2015


Enterprise Change & Transformation Toolbox








“If you think good architecture is expensive, try bad architecture.”


Brian Foote and Joseph Yoder



©Semyon Axelrod, 2015


Work In Progress





Executive Summary



There are many excellent definitions of System Architecture that have been proposed and used in the information technology field. Some of these are quite long[1], but one that I prefer was likely developed by a CPA rather than by a software engineer or an architect: “Important decisions about expensive things”. 

This succinct definition resonates even at a single-system level, but is even more appropriate at the Enterprise level.


In this day and age of rapid technological and business changes impacting the very core fabric of our lives in an infinite number of often unpredictable ways, Enterprise Architecture (EA) provides an invaluable knowledge base for any enterprise that aspires to keep up with these changes and proactively use then for competitive advantage.  Skillful application of the EA principles and concepts not only enables, but also drives an improved quality of analysis and decision making, in turn leading to better business outcomes.

One popular view of EA sees it as “the process of translating business vision and strategy into effective enterprise change by creating, communicating, and improving the key requirements, principles, and models that describe the enterprise’s future state and enable its evolution and transformation.”[2]


A pragmatic approach described below called Three Layered Enterprise Architecture Model (TLEAM) can provide great value for business and IT efforts aimed at translating business vision and strategy into effective business improvement supported by innovative and efficient technology.  Such an approach has been developed incrementally over the last 10 years by integrating and extending various concepts and techniques from popular enterprise architecture, as well as information system development methodologies, standards and practices.  The goal was to create a robust, rigorous, and, above all else, affordable approach.  While the benefits of this approach are accessible to IT professionals, their business counterparts are the ultimate beneficiaries.


The approach, in a nutshell, can be described by the two main tenets:

  • Emphasis on using well-aligned business-centric and technology-centric models;
  • Validation of the business information models by analyzing them within contextually specific business process (a.k.a. behavioral) models.



Below are some challenges where the application of the methodology has been of tremendous benefit:

  • Identification of an IT investment strategy with the highest return potential;
  • Establishment and maintenance of effective Business- IT priorities alignment;
  • Identification of financial and other compliance reports reconciliation errors’ root causes;
  • Resolving co-ownership issues of business data by multiple divisions and departments, and the transition of ownership between departments within business process stages;
  • Improvement in overall system and data quality through reduction of duplicate information, and better alignment/integration between various business processes;
  • Improvements in business outcomes due to ability to get necessary decision-supporting information in a timely fashion and in a customer-friendly way.



Applying TLEAM's main tenets and focusing initially on the Business-Centric Layer of the model can drive savings in strategic business and IT alignment, overall business information and data quality improvements, M&A activities and other key strategic Business and IT initiatives. 


The Main Tool – Three-Layered Enterprise Architecture Model

Any successful EA initiative should include a high-level description of the architecture in the form of graphical models and a pertinent narrative. These are very important as they provide the foundation for the design work to develop additional details and make the concepts used in EA models a practical reality at the system implementation level.

Not surprisingly, the most important technique in my toolbox is a graphical model which serves as a nexus for all the other leveraged techniques and concepts.

This modeling approach was inspired mainly by combining two core concepts.

The first is a partitioning concept developed by S. Cook and J. Daniels[3], who found it very useful to separate all the models into three interrelated domains: the essential, specification, and implementation domains.  

The second concept is a similar yet distinct approach which belongs to the area of system development known as Model Driven Architecture (MDA). It also partitions models into three layers, but these MDA layers have a different purpose as compared to the Cook and Daniels’ approach, and naturally have different names: the Computationally Independent Model, the Platform Independent Model, and the Platform Specific Model.


I have developed and successfully used a modeling approach that is inspired by a synthesis of these two aforementioned approaches as well as some other concepts and methodologies.  In my practice, I also found it extremely useful to segregate all models and artifacts into three universal layers that are relevant to all companies regardless of their industry, size, culture, etcetera:

·         The Business-Centric Layer;

·         The Specification-Centric Layer;

·         The Implementation-Centric Layer.


I called this graphical representation of my EA approach the Three Layered Enterprise Architecture Model (TLEAM) diagram (fig. 1 below).


The multiple [sub]models that are hosted by the TLEAM layers in turn can be grouped into three main categories: the behavioral (a.k.a. How/Function column in Zachman framework), the information/data  (a.k.a. What /Data column in Zachman framework), and the auxiliary.  The auxiliary group, in turn, can be broken down into more specific “elementary” areas according to the Zachman framework approach.


Once the dependencies between the different models in the TLEAM layers have been established, documented, and internalized into corporate knowledge and culture, the common understanding can and should be used by the Enterprise leadership in their decision-making process.


The richness of information expressed by all models that TLEAM hosts, and the rigorous correlations between them, allow a more robust analysis, safety checks, and enabling necessary controls at the Enterprise level.


                Figure 1.  Three Layered Enterprise Architecture Model[4]



The approach outlined by the TLEAM is the main tool in the toolbox: all other models, techniques, mechanisms, concepts, and building blocks are correlated with it.  It is further explained in the “TLEAM Fundamentals” section below.



TLEAM’s Main Sources and Major Tenants

TLEAM’s Main Sources

The main techniques of the approach were inspired by[5]:

·         Guidelines for object-oriented analysis and design developed by Steve Cook and John Daniels in their book “Designing Object Systems: Object-Oriented Modelling with Syntropy”;

·         Enterprise Operating Model and the corresponding Conceptual Enterprise Architecture model as described by Peter Weill, Jeanne Ross and David Robertson’ in their book “Enterprise Architecture as Strategy”;

·         OMG’s Model Driven Architecture (MDA)[6];

·         Business Capabilities Modeling;

·         OMG’s Unified Modeling Language (UML).

Brief TLEAM Tenants Overview

As outlined in Figure 1 above, TLEAM’s three layers host a wealth of [sub]models partitioned into:  behavioral, information/data, and auxiliary.  In the Business-Centric layer, this separation is quite clear. Color-coding indicates this distinction: models that are behavioral in nature have red frames; information/data models have green; and the auxiliary group, which has composite (hybrid) nature, has blue frames.

While all [sub]models are important, some of them need more introduction than the others, either because they are less known, as in case of the Operating and Business Capabilities Models; or because, as in the case of UML, they play such a central role.

A brief description of the tenants that meet these unique stipulations follows.

Operating Model Architecture

One of the most powerful tools in the EA toolbox is the concept of the Operating Model. 

Arguably, the best book that proves the importance of EA for the modern Enterprise is “Enterprise Architecture as Strategy”[7].  Drawing on a wealth of case studies from a variety of industries and sectors, the authors demonstrate that the ability to transform an organization into a top performer is predicated on developing a robust foundation for execution in the form of Enterprise Architecture. For the purpose of this document, I will use the term “Operating Model Architecture” to describe the Operating Model-based approach to the development of EA, as introduced in the aforementioned book.

While the book offers many insights and useful techniques, its main value is rooted in the in-depth research of the Operating Model – the desired level of business process integration and standardization and related EA imprint on business performance. That research proves that business strategies, commonly expressed in the form of PowerPoint presentations and financial models, are not sufficiently rigorous and robust to define a well-built foundation for development and execution at the Enterprise level. The Operating Model Architecture (OMA) built around common customers and products on one side, and the balance of Enterprise versus local business units’ and divisions’ interests on the other, is needed to provide sufficient guidance for the development of a robust foundation for execution at the Enterprise level.  This technique can be used to establish consensus about:

            a) business capabilities and processes that are common and therefore good candidates to be standardized and used by multiple business units

            b) shared core business (i.e., information, business services) and IT (i.e., applications, infrastructure, etc.) assets that are needed to support these common business capabilities and processes.



Business Capabilities Model

The second technique of the EA toolbox is inspired by a concept of business capability researched, developed, and refined by Michael Porter, Ric Merrifield, Ulrich Homann, Michael Rosen, William Ulrich, Roger Sessions and others. This concept is used to build a business value network model, which resides in the Business-Centric Layer of the TLEAM.


According to Ulrich Homann, “business capability is a particular ability or capacity that a business may possess or exchange to achieve a specific purpose or outcome.  A capability describes what the business does (outcomes and service levels) to add value for customers.  A business capability abstracts and encapsulates the people, process/procedures, technology, and information into the essential building blocks needed to facilitate performance improvement and redesign analysis.”[8]

In my experience, the business capability concept works very well for creating a robust view of the business, whereas albeit commonly used, the organizational chart views and/or detailed business processes views are too brittle and thus do not provide the required stable foundation.  


It is also possible and very beneficial to apply the Business Capabilities Model in conjunction with, and as an elaboration of, the Operating Model Architecture (OMA) described above.  The Business Capabilities Model provides an additional level of detail that connects the OMA, which deals mainly with the level of details that exist in the realm of C-level executives, with the more detail system and services specification dominion of software engineering, e.g., Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).  At this more detailed level, the Business Capabilities Model fortified by the OMA can be used to guide validation of the IT Asset Portfolio and IT Programs priorities,  and the creation of system specifications (SOA or otherwise).  The synergy between the two models produces a much more robust outcome than if each was applied independently. 

For a more detailed explanation regarding how this synergy works please see the “Business-Centric Layer” part of the “TLEAM Fundamentals” section below.


Unified Modeling Language

Another important ingredient of the TLEAM approach is the Unified Modeling Language (UML). UML is a modeling language widely used by software developers and architects. The UML standard is managed by the Object Management Group (OMG)[9].

Martin Fowler has established a notion of three different ways that UML is currently used by system development practitioners: programming language, blueprint, and sketch modes.  It is important to note that according to this classification, I currently use UML in the blueprint and the sketch modes.


In TLEAM, UML is the "glue" that is used to align the techniques of the approach as well as to fill in the gaps between them.  I use a number of UML models and diagrams to capture both behavioral and information/data - oriented models: Class and Object diagrams, State Transition diagrams, and Business and System Use Case models  just to name a few.


UML’s support for meticulous validation of business information structures and elements within the context of the relevant business process models, i.e., Use Cases Realizations or Activity diagrams and other similar techniques, enables both main approaches’ tenets stated above in the Executive Summary section.


Since UML contains both information (a.k.a. data) and behavioral models (e.g., Business Use Case Realizations), it enables the validation for correctness and completeness of information as well as business process models in the Business-Centric Layer by requiring cross-referencing of the entities against each other. This is achieved by requiring specially designated staff members, e.g., data stewards to validate the common meaning of business attributes and information structures that contain these attributes within the context of business processes that use them.  See more information on this process in the Appendix A “A Process for Information and Data Management”.

The behavioral models that are not originated through UML can also be validated, as long as they can be detailed down to the individual business attribute (a.k.a. data element) level.   


This support for correlation of the different behavioral [sub]models within the Business-Centric layer enables robust business models analysis and early identification of the gaps and inconsistencies.  Also, as it is well-known from numerous research reports, reducing the number of defects in the business analysis and requirements phase allows for massive savings in the overall cost of system development[10] and assists business leadership in clarifying their vision and mission.


Since UML is consistently used in all three TLEAM layers, including the Business-Centric layer, it is possible to not only correlate information models with the process models within the same layer, but also to relate models from different layers and thus analyze the impact of changes regardless of where these changes were initiated, on the business or technology side of the organization. Changes originated in the Business-Centric layer would require traversing TLEAM layers top-down, while changes discovered in the Implementation-Centric Layer would naturally require TLEAM navigation in the opposite direction: bottom-up.


The publication of the Ontology Definition MetaModel (ODM) specification by OMG connects UML with OWL and RDF that were initially defined to provide an XML-based machine to machine interchange of metadata and semantics.  ODM now integrates these foundational WWW technologies with UML-based visual modeling. The connection between Model-Driven Architecture and ontologies engineering concepts that ODM specification provides makes it easier to use UML in TLEAM as a specification programming language in addition to the current usage for blueprint and sketch.


Other important techniques that are not directly included as TLEAM submodels

A number of other techniques also deserve attention as they provide a valuable addition to the basic TLEAM palette. While it is not possible to cover all the deserving methodologies and approaches within this paper, it is necessary to mention at least a few that have the most significant value and can be used to augment the TLEAM and its [sub]models.


Zachman framework

No EA discussion is possible without mentioning the Zachman framework.  The framework launched EA as a discipline more than 20 years ago[11] and is still widely used today by EA practitioners. 

John Zachman introduced the notion of Enterprise-wide classification, which can be used for both “management of the Enterprise, as well as to the development of the Enterprise's systems”[12]. This classification still serves as a foundation for most of the EA approaches that are currently being used and developed.  The Zachman framework can be used as a great tool for a completeness check.




TOGAF is a close second to the Zachman framework with regards to frequency of reference during any EA-related conversation.  According to the TOGAF website[13], “TOGAF is a framework - a detailed method and a set of supporting tools - for developing an Enterprise Architecture”.


While TOGAF is extensive and highly-detailed, it should be noted that it operates within the same architectural domains as do most of the other EA frameworks:

  • Business architecture
  • Applications architecture
  • Data architecture
  • Technical architecture.


Arguably, the most important part of TOGAF is the Architecture Development Method.  “The ADM describes how to derive an organization-specific enterprise architecture that addresses business requirements.”[14]  ADM documentation includes a set of detailed guidelines and techniques.


Other important components of TOGAF include:

  • Architecture Content Framework;
  • TOGAF Reference Models, including the Foundation Architecture and the Integrated Information Infrastructure Reference Model (III-RM);
  • Architecture Capability Framework.


There is a lot of synergy between TLEAM and TOGAF as both use many techniques that have served experienced software developers quite well.  However, the power of TLEAM is in that it provides unambiguous locations for almost any artifact that TOGAF can host, while at the same time the learning curve for it is arguably much shorter (at least for the experienced software developers and architects who have a basic command of UML).


Recent developments in TOGAF and ArchiMate allow for a very collaborative and synergetic relationship between them and UML[15].


Federal Enterprise Architecture

The Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA), which was originally created as Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF), is a methodology for creating EA. FEAF was established in 1999 by the Chief Information Officers Council of the major Federal Agencies in response to the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996. FEAF became FEA in 2002 and addresses a broad spectrum of issues mostly relevant to Federal Agencies and other public sector organizations.  The purpose of the FEA is to facilitate the development of common processes and information sharing among Federal Agencies. FEA is one of the most complete of all the EA methodologies as it includes EA taxonomy, as well as an organizational change management program with an architectural process to build the taxonomy and other EA artifacts. While there is a wealth of very useful information in the FEA compendium of documents, one of the best starting points is: “A Practical Guide to Federal Enterprise Architecture.”[16]


The Four Domains of Enterprise Architecture Knowledge

This tool is more a concept than a technique. It has been originated by Forrester Research – the partitioning of the Enterprise into four main Architectural domains: Business, Application, Information, and Infrastructure.  An extension of this model includes seven subdomains (a.k.a. segments). The model (fig. 2) provides an auxiliary view to the main model of the approach (The Three Layered Enterprise Architecture Model mentioned above). 



Figure 2. Forrester Research Model of Core EA knowledge areas



As was the case for the Business Capabilities Model and OMA, the Three Layered Enterprise Architecture Model and the Four Domains EA model are quite synergetic. The value of the two techniques used together is greater than the value of the two used independently due to their propensity to validate each other and thus improve their efficacy.  It is important to note that the Four Domains EA Model represents the minimalist coarse-grained foundational view[17] of EA, thus providing the means for validation of the long-term completeness and effectiveness of the EA program at a very fundamental level.  However, this model does not guide the EA practitioners towards specific deliverables that are needed for implementation. At the same time, while the Three Layered Enterprise Architecture Model provides a set of core deliverables, it may rely on the Four Domains EA Model for validation of its completeness.




Corporate Information Factory

The concept of Corporate Information Factory (CIF) was initially introduced by W. H. Inmon, C. Imhoff and R. Sousa in 1998 in their book bearing the same name[18].   Technically speaking, the CIF is not an Enterprise Architecture methodology as it represents only a data-centric architectural view of the enterprise. As such, it introduces a number of specific concepts that are important in this view:  data warehouse, data mart, and operational data store.  It does leave out all the other domains almost entirely. 

Most of the companies benefit from incorporating CIF into their playbook.  CIF can be used for validation purposes to ensure that the specifications and implementation models in the data-related segments of the Enterprise Architecture are aligned with the CIF methodology. The data and data-warehouse architects that use the CIF approach benefit from the scalable enterprise level approach that CIF represents and typically find that, because they use CIF, their deliverables can be aligned with the rest of the EA models with greater ease. At the same time, the CIO and other IT and Business leadership of the organizations following the CIF approach, will find it rewarding that the artifacts produced by the different enterprise IT teams are consistent and complementary.



Concepts of Operations (ConOps)

The ConOps model is widely used in the private, public, military, and other sectors where complex ecosystems require common understanding by multiple stakeholders.  According to “A Practical Guide to Federal Enterprise Architecture:”[19]

“The high-level Concept of Operations (CONOPS) Graphic is the most general of the architecture products and the most flexible in format. It is intended to portray the operational activities of the agency (the enterprise) in a single graphic. This work product graphic provides a concise illustration of the business of the enterprise.”  See more about this technique in the next section.

TLEAM Fundamentals


The Power of Layering


As outlined earlier (fig. 1), the TLEAM consists of three layers:

·         Business-Centric Layer;

·         Specification-Centric Layer;

·         Implementation-Centric Layer.


It is impossible to overestimate the power of partitioning an enterprise into these three distinct yet interconnected layers.  For example, it is not uncommon for IT departments to be asked to solve problems that manifest themselves primarily in the technology-driven Implementation-Centric Layer.  Problems with data quality are probably among the most common scenarios.  Most of the time though, the root cause of these problems will reside in the Business-Centric Layer or Specification-Centric Layer.  As such, no technology changes, e.g. switching from .Net to Java (or the other way around), or replacing one ETL platform with another, can address the problem that should be resolved in the Business-Centric Layer.  By using a technique that can guide Enterprise leadership to the root causes of the problems, and by demonstrating that the system issues (observed in the Implementation-Centric Layer) are only symptoms, the TLEAM can provide enormous savings to an enterprise, both in time and in money.


This vertical interconnectedness between the model layers provides a foundation for robust traceability and thus troubleshooting between the business-centric and the system implementation-centric layers artifacts. Again, let’s look at one of the most common scenarios: data output produced as a result of the systems (a.k.a. data) integration  project, does not align well with the expectations of the business clients. According to these business clients some important results are plainly wrong.   It is pretty common to discover after painful and costly trouble shooting efforts that the root cause is in the semantic mismatch between the two business areas: the understanding of the data by two business teams differs even sometimes so slightly that these business teams are not aware of the differences until they start receiving the erroneous end-results produced by the new integrated ecosystem.  This example is a good segue to the second important TLEAM feature: horizontal traceability within the same model layer.


Horizontal Traceability within the Layers


Horizontal traceability provides a foundation for a rich contextual connection between different organizational units as well as the systems implemented within the same single organizational unit, including those integrated as an afterthought.  It can be used as a foundation for all the integration efforts within a company[20].

This robust horizontal traceability mechanism is complimentary to the vertical traceability and is absolutely necessary for high-quality integration of business processes and systems to become a reality. TLEAM provides a foundation for the information traceability and thus improvement to decision making quality, without which it is impossible to address a cluster of issues introduced by the modern business environment in general, and more specifically by the legal and regulatory compliance concerns.  For example, absence of the federated business-centric information model spanning multiple business units should raise concern about the quality of information produced by the integration of the systems that belong to various departments.


Business-Centric Layer

The top Business-Centric Layer is used to host behavioral models that describe in a variety of formats the business functions and activities, as well as related issues and business solutions.  The construction of this layer usually starts with development of the Concepts of Operations model[21].  


For a majority of Enterprise Architects, at least for those with a software development background, the CONOPS models will look like a drawing developed by a sales or marketing organization, rather than as an engineering diagram.  It captures only the highest level concepts, and usually lacks any level of detail that is near and dear to engineers.  But the simplistic appearance of the diagram is deceiving. Even at this high level, it helps to clearly present information to the target audience – C-level executives -- by developing a common view of the Enterprise at a level of detail that is appropriate for C-level executives in order to forge common understanding.


It is also common for most of companies to have documents capturing business strategy, usually as PowerPoint presentations along with the financial models produced by the leadership of the main business divisions.  Unfortunately, commonly both of these artifacts -- CONOPS and business strategy documents, don’t support the level of rigor that is required in a well-engineered EA model[22].   However, any EA effort can benefit from the information captured in the aforementioned artifacts. To emphasize this point – though not rigorous enough but nevertheless useful, both entities in Figure 1 (i.e. CONOPS and business strategy documents) are placed in a separate box that overlaps with the Business-Centric Layer, albeit only partially.  


The next necessary artifact of the Business-Centric Layer is the Operating Model.  The model should guide Enterprise Architects and enterprise leaders in making decisions regarding IT assets that should (or should not) be shared at the Enterprise level, thus delineate their importance to the Enterprise. The first step in this direction should be the selection of one of the four possible Operating model types shown on Figure 3 below: Diversification, Coordination, Replication, and Unification.  The short list of enterprise characteristics that correspond to each of the models, shown in Figure 3, can be used as a starting point by enterprise leadership. The Operating Model choices involve non-trivial processes with vital consequences for any company, and should not be taken lightly. The "Enterprise Architecture as Strategy" is an excellent guide for any company that is ready to embark on this endeavor.



Figure 3. Operating Model Types and their characteristics[23].



After the enterprise leaders reach agreement about the Operating Model type, they should determine what should be treated as the core shared Enterprise IT assets.  At the risk of oversimplification, the following rule is very helpful in practice: the higher the degree of standardization, the more an IT asset can be reused by multiple departments. The Integration dimension of the Operating Model affects the intensity of the Enterprise integration activities, and thus the importance of the integration infrastructure that is needed to support it. The correlation here is also straightforward: the higher the degree of inter-departmental integration, the higher the investment in Enterprise integration models and infrastructure.  


Regardless of the specific type of Operating model being selected, the approach above leads to the following questions:

  • What core enterprise assets categories should be analyzed by using the Operating Model Architecture approach?  
  • Should it be just core technology platforms, such as RDBMS, e.g., Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, and application servers, rules and workflow technologies?
  • Can the list be extended to a more granular level to include shared subsystems, services and components?
  • Should SOA be used?  


As it is well known by now, after 20 years of still-to-be-fulfilled promises of the coming era of massive software reuse, the list of important architectural issues related to asset sharing and re-use may become quite long.


While "Enterprise Architecture as Strategy" provides some guidelines in answering the questions in this area, it leaves room for a more technically-oriented methodology to provide more details.  The Enterprise Business Capabilities Model, one of the models shown in Figure 1, responds well to this demand.  It is the result of the Operating Model Architecture principles –  "the organizing logic for core business processes and IT infrastructure reflecting the standardization and integration of a company's operating model" – being applied to the Business Capabilities model.  The outcome is the capabilities hierarchy with an importance grade that was validated against the Operating model.


Complementary to Business Capabilities, the Business Use Cases (BUC) modeling approach can also be utilized.  I recommend implementing the technique that incorporates not only BUCs but also the corresponding Business Use Cases Realizations (BUCR).  In this case, a very strong synergy between BUCRs and Capabilities views enables the identification and potential remediation of gaps between the business goals of the customers as they are perceived by the business decision makers (BUCs and BUCRs), and the way the same the business decision makers view their own business value chain.   From the data vs. behavior (a.k.a. process) dichotomy point of view, both (Capabilities and BUCs/BUCRs) represent the process-oriented side of Business Architecture.


Business Patterns, as well as Business Policies and Principles, complement the set of artifacts that exist in the Business-Centric Layer.  All the aforementioned artifacts would also reside in the Business Architecture domain of the Four Domains EA model (fig. 2). This is not, however, the case with the Business Enterprise Information Model/Ontology and Line Of Business Information Models, which also reside in the Business-Centric Layer of TLEAM.  These artifacts are information-oriented in nature, and capture main information structures and elements that support the process-oriented view of business.  The approach recommends UML Class diagram techniques to be used for these artifacts.  As an alternative, an Ontology-based approach can also be used.


Whichever technique is chosen, the most important tenet of the TLEAM approach is to correlate the process-oriented (a.k.a. behavior) business models with the information-oriented (a.k.a. data) business models. The UML Class diagram that constitutes the Business Enterprise Information Model should capture all the business entities and their relations at a level of individual Business Attributes[24]. 

Specification-Centric Layer

The middle Specification-Centric Layer of the TLEAM is the place to host specifications for the systems that are visible at the very top Enterprise level.   It is important to point out that in the models created for a specific business unit, as opposed to the whole Enterprise, this layer would host all the system specifications regardless of whether there is Enterprise or only local visibility.


I strongly recommend keeping the information in this layer in a platform-independent form and move all platform-specific information to the Implementation-Centric layer, which is naturally platform specific. 


By defining and maintaining system priorities in terms of the validated and approved business use cases and business capabilities, the enterprise leaders assure alignment between business and IT goals. While the initial planning process is clearly top-down, at the same time, bottom–up revisions and change requests are quite common. As the company progresses towards the new state of the enterprise, changes and adjustments are inevitable and sometimes more acutely pronounced at the implementation level of a particular division and its IT systems, rather than at the global enterprise level. Regardless of where the change request would come from, the most important thing is to make sure that all the related artifacts in all three layers are updated and are kept in sync.  Most of the time, updates initiated at the system specification layer should have very limited effect on the core Enterprise capabilities.


On the information/data side of the specifications, a transition from Business Information Attributes defined in the Business-Centric layer to data elements that populate system specifications is usually quite straight forward as long as business and IT teams are willing to collaborate and learn from each other.  For example, it is common for more than one system in multiple business units to operate on a Business Attribute defined at the business layer level. In this case, each system’s specification will define its own unique data element, but all data elements would be mapped to the same one single Business Attribute from the business layer in case of a singular business information model or multiple business attributes from different LOB models. In the latter case, (federated LOBs information models) the connection between the federation member models at the Business-Centric Layer level would have been already established. This bi-directional traceability approach helps alleviate a problem known as “departmental information silos”. In the silos case, no unifying enterprise integration logic exists in the business-centric level, so the data elements mappings between the  different business departments is usually done at the system-driven Implementation-Centric Layer, commonly without the benefit of the business SME’s first establishing the connection at the Business-Centric Layer level.


Similar to the top layer, in the spirit of correlating information/data models with the functional/ behavioral contextual information, System Use Cases and System Use Cases Realizations that are introduced at this level should provide enough grounding for the data elements and structures validations  and vice versa. 

Implementation-Centric Layer

The bottom Implementation-Centric Layer is the hosting location for system implementation level and related artifacts that are managed at a single system level of knowledge management, which are naturally technology platform-specific.  While each system is designed and implemented individually, the federation of all the systems for each LOB constitute the complete set of all the systems at the enterprise level.  This view is consistent with the ITIL recommended approach (a.k.a. CMDB) that presently guides most of the IT operations teams.


The detailed description of the artifacts that exist in this layer is out of scope for this paper.  However, it is worth pointing out that multiple platform-specific data element implementations may be mapped to the same data element defined in the specification layer, which is platform neutral.  This unambiguous, contextually-based mapping from possibly multiple technology-specific implementations to a single data element defined at the technology-independent specification level is the foundation for the robust system integration approach, mostly because it allows for robust validation of the business context for any system-level data element regardless of the implementation platform on either side of the system interface. 






While skillful application of the EA principles and practices can provide huge business value, unlocking the full potential of the EA-based knowledge is not trivial.


Most popular EA methodologies require significant investment of enterprise business and technology resources, unavoidably turning EA development programs into a multi-year, potentially “never catching up to its promises” endeavor.   


The proposed TLEAM-based approach is robust, rigorous, and, yet, affordable.  It builds on common well accepted industry models and lets the practitioners to pick and choose methodologies that are the most suitable and appropriate for theirs specific organizational environment, corporate culture and political circumstances. 


While all the [sub]models would benefit from cross-referencing against each other, they can be implemented a la carte based on resources’ availability and time agendas.   “Iterative and incremental” works for Enterprise Architecture at least as well if not better than it does for a single system architecture.


Regardless of the specifics TLEAM will help business and IT teams to develop a common vision and create a strong enterprise foundation for execution.   This foundation can make all the difference between struggling and thriving in the new fast-paced world of ever accelerating change.   


[1] The one that is most commonly used is defined in ISO/IEC 42010:2007, Systems and Software Engineering -- Recommended practice for architectural description of software-intensive systems standard.  The fundamental organization of a system embodied in its components, their relationships to each other, and to the environment, and the principles guiding its design and evolution.”
[2] Master of Professional Studies in Enterprise Architecture, Penn State online. Retrieved from website 02-17-2015
[3] “Designing Object Systems: Object-Oriented Modelling with Syntropy”, 1994, Prentice Hall; ISBN: 0132038609
[4] For more information about the model please see: “Quality Data Through Enterprise Information Architecture”, The Architecture Journal,  January 2007.
[5] The described EA TLEAM approach reflects only my own ideas and experience. It has neither been reviewed nor endorsed by the organizations and/or authors of the other referenced methodologies.   
[7] “Enterprise Architecture As Strategy: Creating a Foundation for Business Execution” by Jeanne W. Ross, Peter Weill and David Robertson. Harvard Business Press, 2006, ISBN: 9781591398394,   
[8]A Business-Oriented Foundation for Service Orientation” Ulrich Homann,  MSDN, 2006.
[10] “Understanding and Controlling Software Costs.” Boehm, Barry W., and Philip N. Papaccio. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 1988
[11] Zachman, J.A. "A Framework for Information Systems Architecture." IBM Systems Journal, Volume 26, Number 3, 1987.
[12] Zachman, John A. "The Framework for Enterprise Architecture: Background, Description and Utility." Zachman Institute for Framework Advancement (ZIFA). Document ID: 810-231-0531
[13] TOGAF® Version 9.1,  retrieved from the website 02-20-15
[14] TOGAF® Version 9.1 Enterprise Edition,  An Introduction.
[15] “The ArchiMate® visual modeling language standard is a natural choice for Enterprise
Architectures while, for Solution Architectures, the Unified Modeling Language® (UML®)
provides a wide range of views, concepts, and relationships. When architects make these
common and workable choices, understanding how to use the ArchiMate language and UML
together is necessary for efficient and precise alignment between the Enterprise and Solution
Architectures. The Open Group, “Using the ArchiMate® Language with UML®”
[16] Chief Information Officer Council,  Version 1.0, February 2001
[17] Any EA effort that does not account for the four domains and 11 segments will probably run into significant problems relatively soon after the beginning of the EA program.
[18] Corporate Information Factory, W. H. Inmon, C. Imhoff and  R. Sousa. Wiley; 2000, ISBN-10: 0471399612
[19] “A Practical Guide to Federal Enterprise Architecture”.  Chief Information Officer Council, 2001
[21] Alternatively, some organizations may choose an information-centric approach where Business Information Model plays the primary role from the very beginning.  See more about what would be required from an organization to implement this approach in the Appendix C, “Information 1st organizations.docx”
[22] The artifacts from Balanced Scorecards (BSC) and similar methodologies can also play important role as inputs into EA model.
[23] From “Enterprise Architecture as Strategy by P. Weill, J. Ross and D. Robertson
[24] For additional details regarding the importance of correlation between the information (data)--oriented view of business on the one side and the process-oriented view of business on the other,  please see  Quality Data Through Enterprise Information Architecture”,  The Architecture Journal, January, 2007


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